Structured Interview

A Structured Interview is an interview format characterized by a standardized set of predetermined questions asked to all candidates. The goal of this approach is to ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process, allowing interviewers to make objective assessments of candidates based on the same criteria.

Key features of a Structured Interview include:

  1. Standardized Questions:
    • All candidates are asked the same set of questions, ensuring a consistent experience for each interviewee.
  2. Preparation and Planning:
    • Before the interview, interviewers carefully design and plan a list of questions that are relevant to the job and aim to assess specific competencies or skills.
  3. Objective Evaluation:
    • Structured interviews aim to reduce bias and subjectivity by focusing on objective criteria. This allows for a more standardized and fair evaluation process.
  4. Job-Related Questions:
    • Questions are directly related to the requirements of the job and are designed to assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and suitability for the role.
  5. Scoring System:
    • Some structured interviews incorporate a scoring system to objectively evaluate candidates’ responses to each question. This can help in quantifying the assessment process.
  6. Consistency Across Candidates:
    • The use of a consistent set of questions ensures that each candidate is evaluated on the same criteria, making it easier to compare and contrast their responses.
  7. Reduced Interviewer Bias:
    • By standardizing the questions and evaluation criteria, structured interviews aim to minimize interviewer bias, leading to more objective hiring decisions.
  8. Training for Interviewers:
    • Interviewers may receive training on how to conduct structured interviews effectively, ensuring that the process is implemented consistently across all candidates.
  9. Improved Reliability and Validity:
    • Structured interviews tend to have higher reliability and validity compared to unstructured interviews, as they are designed to measure specific job-related factors.
  10. Legal Compliance:
    • The use of standardized questions can contribute to legal compliance by promoting fairness and minimizing the risk of discrimination.

While structured interviews offer several advantages, it’s essential to recognize that they may not capture all aspects of a candidate’s potential or personality. Some organizations choose to combine structured and unstructured elements in their interview processes to balance consistency with the need for flexibility and a more personalized assessment.